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Scenes from the Old Testament – Biblical Art Appreciation

Each story includes the text retold for students, a full page highlighting a piece of classic art related to the story, and two art cards.

One art card features the work of art along with its title, the name of its painter, and the year or years it was painted. The second card features the work of art with blank lines for the student to copy the key information onto.

This unit covers 22 stories from the Old Testament ranging from Cain and Abel through Daniel. It features 22 works of art from 20 different artists whose work spans the 1500s through the early 1900s.

Scenes from the New Testament – Biblical Art Appreciation

Each story includes the text of the story retold for students, a full page highlighting a piece of classic art related to the story, and two art cards. One art card features the work of art along with its title, the name of its painter, and the year or years it was painted. The second card features the work of art with blank lines for the student to copy the key information onto.

This unit covers 22 stories from the New Testament ranging from the birth of John the Baptist through the martyrdom of Stephen. It features 22 works of art from 17 different artists whose work spans the early 1300s through the late 1800s.