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We recommend using the book If You Lived at the Time of the Civil War to fill out each notebooking page and activity.

Your children will discover:

  • What caused the Civil War
  • How the Civil War started
  • Why the Southern states wanted to leave the Union
  • The differences in the Union and Confederate Armies
  • What home life was like during the Civil War
  • The differences between the North and the South
  • What life was like for the soldiers
  • What life was like for children
  • What school was like during the Civil War
  • Struggles that families went through during the Civil War
  • And more!

We recommend the book If You Lived at the Time of the Civil War as a companion to this unit study. Living During the Civil War – A Notebooking Journey contains notebooking topics and questions that can be answered using the information found in the book or any history curriculum.

You may want to do further research to fill out the biography notebooking pages with more information than is included in If You Lived at the Time of the Civil War. This book is currently available via Amazon Prime for $6.99 and also easily found in local libraries.


You may also be interested in: Living in Colonial Times – A Notebooking Journeywhich will take your children on an adventure of imagining what life was like for children who lived in Colonial Times.