Living in Colonial Times – A Notebooking Journey contains 35 pages.
Your children will have a blast learning about:
- The 13 original colonies by labeling a map
- The first American Flag
- What people looked like and how they dressed
- What types of food colonial people ate
- What school was like for Colonial children
- Colonial manners and rules specific to school and children
- What happened when people got sick
- Silly laws and rules during the Colonial period
- What church was like and how it differs from church today
- Laws during Colonial times and specific Sunday laws
- What family life was like
- What houses were like and where children slept
- Children’s chores and jobs for townsfolk
- Games & activities and specified “fun times”
- How Colonial people traveled
- News headlines and mailing letters
- and more!
Living in Colonial Times – A Notebooking Journey is not just a bunch of blank pages with decorations; it is a fun notebooking journal that includes coloring sheets, spaces to draw illustrations, questions for research, comparison charts, and more.
We recommend using the book If You Lived in Colonial Times alongside Living in Colonial Times – A Notebooking Journey, as your children will be able to read through the book and journal right along with it. The questions will differ than the ones found in the book for copyright purposes, but follow along easily.
Even if you do not have the book, you can use this along with your favorite American history curriculum or by researching your answers on the Internet.
If You Lived in Colonial Times is normally under $7.00 and can also be found in your local library most of the time. It is available via Amazon Prime as well. If you use the book along with the notebooking journal, this would be a fantastic way to immerse your children into life during the Colonial times with a thorough unit study.

You may also be interested in: Living During the Civil War – A Notebooking Journey, which will take your children on an adventure of imagining what life was like during the Civil War in the years of 1861 to 1865.