The Notebook of The Blue – A Companion to The Big Book of Blue

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(1 customer review)


Most of us never get the chance to dive deep and discover the incredibly diverse and wondrous world beneath the surface of the ocean. You can give your kids a chance to explore this world and some of the amazingly unique creatures that inhabit it with The Notebook of the Blue.

The Notebook of the Blue is a Notebook Companionâ„¢ to The Big Book of the Blue by Yuval Zommer, sold separately.

39 black & white pages

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The Notebook of Blue - A Companion to The Big Book of Blue

Are your students ready to explore the world beneath the ocean’s surface?

This busy mom-friendly notebook involves no prep work. You simply grab your copy of The Big Book of the Blue (sold separately) and The Notebook of the Blue and work through the two books at your own pace.

Your students will have fun drawing, sketching, and labeling illustrations of the incredible animals they discover and sharpening their written narration skills by answering our open-ended questions.

They’ll learn about fish, whales, sharks, sea snakes, deep sea creatures, and much more.

Topics Covered Using The Notebook of Blue alongside The Big Book of Blue:

  • Ocean Families
  • Fins and Flappers
  • Gills and Blowholes
  • Sea Turtles
  • Flying Fish
  • Seahhorses
  • Jellyfish
  • Octopuses
  • Whales
  • Crabs
  • Seals
  • Sharks
  • Krill
  • Dragonets
  • Sea Snakes
  • Deep-Sea Fish
  • Swordfish
  • Rays
  • Coral Reef Fish
  • Tuna
  • Penguins
  • Pufferfish
  • Dolphins
  • Tide Pools
  • The Deep
  • and More!

1 review for The Notebook of The Blue – A Companion to The Big Book of Blue

  1. Rated 5 out of 5

    J Myers

    This is such a great way to kick off a day or be used for independent time for my oldest. They can read the book and write on the journal. It is age appropriate and goes with our oceans curriculum.

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The Big Book Series Notebook Companions are best suited to grades 3 and up due to the writing component of notebooking. But what if you have younger children you’d like to include in your studies?

With our Junior Notebooks, you CAN!

Our Junior Notebooks contain simple notebooking templates that cover each section of The Big Books, along with themed coloring pages to match what types of creatures you are learning about.

Younger children will be encouraged to write down whatever they’d like to after reading the books and draw/sketch pictures of what they are learning. Plus, what young child doesn’t love coloring?

notebook of the blue junior pages

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