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The first part of the unit focuses on seeds. Students will:

  • learn and label the parts of a seed
  • learn about and illustrate methods of seed dispersal

The second part of the unit focuses on plants, leaves, and flowers. Students will:

  • learn about and label the parts of a plant
  • learn about and label components of photosynthesis
  • learn about and label parts of a leaf
  • learn about and label vein patterns in leaves
  • learn about, illustrate, and label leaf shapes
  • learn about and label parts of a flower
  • learn about and label parts of fruit

The final part of the unit focuses on where plants live. Students will:

  • learn about and label soil layers
  • learn about and label specific plants by biome
  • learn about and illustrate endangered plants
  • learn about and illustrate common flowers
  • learn about and illustrate types of leaves, seeds, and fruit
  • consider some of the many ways we use plants