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Sample Textbook | Sample Student Pages

Learning about Plants and Animals

Animals are fascinating to study. There seems to be no end to the unique creatures that live in every corner of the world. From aye-ayes and caracals to pangolins and bonteboks, help your students discover hundreds of animals that live throughout Africa and Asia as well as some of the many kinds of plants grown and crops raised there.

Discovering Plants and Animals is a self-paced science unit study for grades 3-6, although it’s flexible and can be used for younger or older students. It includes 48 sections or regions of Africa and Asia so students can focus on just a few countries at a time.

This science unit study was created to accompany Daily Skill Building: World Geography & History and follows along with the lessons in that full-year curriculum.

Study Native Plants

Africa and Asia are home to many species of plants and animals that cannot be found anywhere else in the world. Discover breathtaking plants, trees, and flowers such as:

  • Egyptian starcluster (Pentas lanceolata)
  • Haut-Katanga dayflower
  • flame lily
  • kudu lily
  • river crinum
  • impala lily
  • black iris
  • baobab tree
  • Strophanthus
  • Rafflesia arnoldii
  • titan arum
  • gulmohar trees (which have beautiful orange-red flowers)
  • blue poppy
  • edelweiss
  • steppe lilies (desert candles)
  • Arfaj

Learn about Habitats

Explore various habitats of Africa and Asia in Discovering Plants and Animals:

  • Bamboo Forest
  • Chaparral
  • Coral Reef
  • Desert
  • Grassland
  • Steppe
  • Mangrove Swamp
  • Mountains
  • Taiga
  • Temperate Deciduous Forest
  • Temperate Rain Forest
  • Tropical Dry Forest
  • Tropical Rain Forest

Discover Animals of Africa and Asia

Have you ever heard of a karakul? What about a Rhesus macaque? When researching the animals in this part of the world, we were amazed at the many different animals we had never heard of before. If your students love learning about animals, they will be sure to eat this up! Here’s just a few of the animals we cover:

    • hippopotamus
    • partridge
    • cheetah
    • guinea fowl
    • Egyptian vulture
    • mongoose
    • markhor
    • Rhesus macaque
    • flying fox
    • sun bear
  • Indian rhinoceros
  • snow leopard
  • sand partridge
  • nurse shark
  • whale shark
  • Nubian ibex
  • Bengal tiger
  • karakul
  • and many more!

Student Book

The Student Book includes comprehension questions that follow the main text for each lesson.  Various optional additional activities are provided in the student book. They include notebooking pages to encourage deeper study of a particular animal or plant, habitat templates for exploring the habitats they encounter, extension activities, and a bonus presentation project.

  • Let’s Take a Closer Look: With this printable, your student can choose an animal or plant to do deeper research on. They can use the template to record the information they discover.
  • Habitat Templates: This set of 13 templates allows your student to investigate the plants and animals that live in a particular habitat and record what they find. A bonus blank template is also included for your student to research additional habitats if desired.
  • Extension Activities: This set of questions challenges your student to go deeper on topics briefly mentioned in the unit such as aquaculture or fish farming. A notebooking page is included to record answers.
  • Bonus Extension Activity: This bonus project suggests topics for a presentation related to the unit that your student can do and lists several options for the type of presentation, though the options are endless.

An answer key is also provided.

This science unit can stand alone, but if you want your kids to learn more about Africa and Asia, check out Daily Skill Building: World Geography & History, which covers the same countries in the same order. A How To guide is also provided for completing both curricula together.

The main text is 60 pages and can be viewed on the computer rather than printed. The Student Book & Answer Key is 171 pages.

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