
Learning How Things Grow Notebook Companion™ Set

Original price was: $39.75.Current price is: $31.99.

Help your students learn more about the incredible world of growing things and how they grow with the Learning How Things Grow Set. Your kids can learn from age-appropriate text and bright, colorful illustrations that teach them about seeds and plants, vegetables, flowers, farms, and pumpkins. Along the way, they’ll develop notebooking skills that can help them for years to come in every grade and subject.

For grades K-3 | Primary dashed lines for beginning writers | This is a digital only resource.

*Digital Product - purchase one per household only.

Learning How Things Grow Notebook Companion™ Set for Gail Gibbons Science Books

Each book in this series features beautiful illustrations of the topics being explored, such as how flowers grow, different types of vegetables and what makes them different, how pollination happens, and much more.

Each Notebook Companion™ gives your kids room to answer open-ended questions to practice written narration, write about what they’ve learned, and draw and sketch each example. They can also enjoy bonus coloring pages featuring some of the amazing things they’ve discovered.

Come explore seeds and plants, vegetables, flowers, farms, and pumpkins with these five publisher-approved Notebook Companions.

What’s Included

This bundle includes the five Notebook Companions that focus on how things grow for the Gail Gibbons science books: Farming, From Seed To Plant, Flowers, The Pumpkin Book, and The Vegetables We Eat.

Learning About Farming - A Notebook Companion™ to Farming by Gail Gibbons
Learning About Farming – A Notebook Companion™ for Farming by Gail Gibbons

The book and Notebook Companion™ look at kinds of farms such as dairy farms, egg and poultry farms, grain farms, fruit farms, vegetable farms, and cattle farms and ranches. They also explore some of the different types of buildings on the farm and some of the many chores done inside and outside during each season.

Farming by Gail Gibbons is a required book for our Notebook Companion™ and is sold separately.

For grades K-3 | 45 black & white pages | VIEW SAMPLE | VIEW PRODUCT PAGE

Learning About Seeds and Plants - A Gail Gibbons Notebook Companion™
Learning About Seeds and Plants – A Notebook Companion™ for From Seed To Plant by Gail Gibbons

The book and Notebook Companion™ look at how seeds come in different shapes, the parts of a flower and the jobs they do, how pollination happens, some of the ways plants are carried to new homes, how a seed grows, what a plant needs to be healthy, how kids can grow their own bean plant, and more!

From Seed to Plant by Gail Gibbons is a required book for our Notebook Companion™ and is sold separately.

For grades K-3 | 45 black & white pages | VIEW SAMPLEVIEW PRODUCT PAGE

Learning About Flowers - A Gail Gibbons Notebook Companion™ Learning About Flowers – A Notebook Companion™ for Flowers by Gail Gibbons

Explore the flowers that fill our fields and make their homes on our sidewalks with Learning About Flowers. Kids can learn about flowers that grow in temperate and tropical climates, flowers that grow in different ways (such as from seeds, bulbs, etc.), some of the habitats flowers grow in, annuals and perennials, the parts of a flower, how pollination works, how seeds grow and travel, how to grow a flower garden, and more!

Flowers by Gail Gibbons is a required book for our Notebook Companion™ and is sold separately.

For grades K-3 | 65 black & white pages | VIEW SAMPLEVIEW PRODUCT PAGE

- A Gail Gibbons Notebook Companion™
Learning About Pumpkins – A Notebook Companion™ for The Pumpkin Book by Gail Gibbons

The book and Notebook Companion™ start by looking at what a pumpkin is and some of the many varieties of pumpkins that exist. Then it explores how to plant pumpkins, the stages of a pumpkin’s life cycle, the role of pumpkins in the First Thanksgiving, and more.

The Pumpkin Book by Gail Gibbons is a required book for our Notebook Companion™ and is sold separately.

For grades K-3 | 44 black & white pages | VIEW SAMPLEVIEW PRODUCT PAGE

Learning About Vegetables - A Gail Gibbons Notebook Companion™
Learning About Vegetables – A Notebook Companion™ for The Vegetables We Eat by Gail Gibbons

The book and Notebook Companion™ look at leaf vegetables, bulb vegetables, flower bud vegetables, root vegetables, tuber vegetables, stem vegetables, fruit vegetables, seed vegetables, and more. They also look at how to grow a vegetable garden and some of the tools you might need, how vegetables are delivered to stores, some of the different places around the world that grow the vegetables we eat every day, and more.

The Vegetables We Eat by Gail Gibbons is a required book for our Notebook Companion™ and is sold separately.

For grades K-3 | 48 black & white pages | VIEW SAMPLEVIEW PRODUCT PAGE



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