240 Philosophical Questions


In 240 Philosophical Questions, students will enjoy a gentle introduction to critical thinking with open-ended, discussion-style questions that explore important philosophical topics such as freewill, morals, human rights, and more—always in pursuit of truth.

66 pages | Grades 6-12 | This is a digital resource.

*Digital Product - purchase one per household only.

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240 Philosophical Questions

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Take a journey through some of life’s most important ideas, encouraging your student to reflect on their beliefs, examine arguments critically, and discern truth from deception.

With 240 Philosophical Questions, your student will engage in meaningful conversations about the ideas that shape human history and society today.

Whether your student is naturally inquisitive or new to critical thinking, this resource offers a gentle introduction to philosophy with questions that are easy to approach but rich in depth. The included discussion tips and optional debate suggestions make it flexible for homeschool families to adapt to their teaching styles and objectives.

Make it easy to incorporate logic and critical thinking into your homeschool routine while equipping your student with the tools to:

  • Think critically about complex ideas and issues
  • Question well and seek truthful answers
  • Understand and evaluate arguments that influence modern culture

Perfect for homeschool parents who want to nurture their child’s curiosity while training them to recognize deception and stand for truth!

This resource is best suited to grades 6-12.