The election season is upon us again, and a great way to teach elementary students about the election process is to incorporate fun voting activities. You can do this through a mock election, election lessons, writing prompts, and election day activities for elementary students. We’ve got the best ones listed out for you!
Why Teach Students About the Election Process
By teaching students about the presidential election, we equip them with essential knowledge and skills needed to be informed citizens who actively engage in the democratic process. It empowers younger kids and older kids alike to exercise their rights responsibly, think critically about important issues, and contribute meaningfully to shaping our nation’s future.
Here’s some important reasons to teach your kids about the presidential election process:
Teach the Understanding Democratic Principles
Teaching students the electoral process is important because it helps them understand the democratic principles on which our country is founded and encourages their active participation in the national election. By learning about the voting process, students gain a deeper understanding of how leaders are chosen and the importance of voting.
Understand the Importance of Voices and Opinions
Understanding the presidential election process allows students to appreciate the importance of their own voices and opinions. They learn that every citizen has the right to vote and that their vote matters. This knowledge empowers them to become a engaged and good citizen who’s informed about political issues.
Encourage Critical Thinking Skills
Teaching students about the presidential election process promotes critical thinking skills. They learn to analyze campaign strategies, evaluate candidates’ platforms, and consider different perspectives on current issues. This type of civic engagement encourages them to think independently, question information presented to them, and form their own opinions based on facts and evidence.
Foster Civic Responsibility
Learning about the presidential election process fosters civic responsibility in students. They develop an understanding of their role as active participants in shaping the future of our nation. Through this knowledge, they realize that they have a voice in influencing policies and electing leaders who align with their values and beliefs.
Cultivate a Sense of Community
Finally, teaching students about the presidential election process cultivates a sense of community and unity. They learn that despite differences in opinions or backgrounds, everyone has an equal opportunity to participate in elections and contribute to our democracy. This understanding promotes respect in our young people for diverse viewpoints and encourages dialogue among students with differing political perspectives.
Learn how to explain voting for kids using our easy-to-use election and presidents open-and-go resources.
30 Election Day Activities for Elementary Students
Are you looking for some fun activities to teach your students about presidential election process?
Living in the United States is a privilege. Help your students understand their civic responsibility by teaching them through fun voting activities. These engaging election activities can make learning about the election process fun, no to mention easier to understand.
Election Day Scavenger Hunt
Create a list of items related to elections, such as campaign signs or voter registration forms. Have kids search for these items around the house or in your community.
I Voted Sticker Crafts
Use construction paper, markers, and stickers to create personalized I Voted stickers. Discuss the importance of voting while making these crafts.
Candidate Speeches
Have kids pretend to be candidates and give speeches about why they would make great leaders. Encourage creativity, critical thinking, and inclusion of important issues.
Mock Election
Set up a polling station at home and have a mock election with family members. Allow kids to cast their vote and learn about the democratic process. Involve them in putting together an election night party with a voting booth and ballots.
Design a Campaign Poster
Provide art supplies and ask kids to design campaign posters for their favorite fictional characters or superheroes.
Voting Booth Role Play
Create a DIY voting booth and ballot box using cardboard boxes and let kids take turns playing different roles, such as voter, poll worker, or candidate.
Electoral College Map Puzzle
Print out an electoral college map and cut it into puzzle pieces. Assemble the puzzle together while discussing how electoral votes work.
Throw a Political Party
Help kids invent their own political party by coming up with a name, symbol, platform, and slogans.
Interview Local Politicians
This voting activity will encourage your student to actively engage in their community. They’ll research local politicians running for office and arrange virtual or in-person interviews with them. Encourage kids to ask thoughtful questions.
Debate Club
Organize a debate club where kids can discuss different political issues in a respectful manner.
Watch Historical Election Footage
Show children videos of past elections to help them understand the significance of voting throughout history.
Write Letters to Elected Officials
Guide kids in writing letters expressing their opinions on important issues and encourage them to send them to elected officials.
Mock Press Conference
Pretend to be a reporter and have kids role-play as politicians answering tough questions in a mock press conference.
Create a Voting Booth Diorama
Using shoeboxes and craft materials, help kids build mini voting booths to display their understanding of the election process.
Election Day Bingo
Create a bingo card with election-related terms, such as voter, ballot, or campaign. Play bingo while discussing the meaning of each term.
Make Patriotic Snacks
Prepare snacks like red, white, and blue fruit kebabs or star-shaped cookies to celebrate Election Day.
Design Political Buttons
Provide supplies for kids to make their own political buttons for the upcoming election featuring slogans or images related to elections.
Write and Perform Campaign Jingles
Help children write catchy campaign jingles for fictional candidates and perform them for family members.
Visit a Local Government Office
Take a field trip to a local government office or city hall to give kids an opportunity to see democracy in action.
Research Famous Political Figures
Assign each child a famous political figure from history and have them research and present their findings to the group.
Create an Election Day Memory Book
Have kids create scrapbooks or journals documenting their experiences on Election Day, including drawings, photographs, or written reflections.
Organize a Voter Registration Drive
Teach kids about the importance of voter registration by organizing a mini drive within your community or among friends and family members.
Create a Campaign Slogan Generator
Use index cards with different words or phrases related to elections and let children mix and match them to create unique campaign slogans.
Watch Kid-Friendly Political Cartoons
Find age-appropriate political cartoons that explain complex concepts in a fun way, then discuss them with your children.
Virtual Field Trip to State Capitol Building
Take a virtual tour of your state’s capitol building and learn about the legislative process.
Write a News Article
Assign kids the task of writing a news article about an important election-related event or issue, encouraging them to include facts and opinions. You can use election writing prompts if you need some inspiration!
Design Political Yard Signs
Provide materials for kids to create their own political yard signs supporting fictional candidates or causes they care about.
Learn About Voting Rights History
Explore the history of voting rights, from the suffrage movement to the Civil Rights Act, through books, documentaries, or online resources.
Election Day Word Search
Create a word search puzzle with election-themed words for kids to solve while learning new vocabulary related to elections.
Reflect and Discuss
At the end of Election Day, gather as a family and have an open discussion about what was learned and any questions that arose throughout the activities.
Final Thoughts
The best way for kids to really grasp how a process works is to incorporate hands-on activities. The presidential election process is no different. An election year is a great time to involve students in voting activities, teaching them about how voting works and even the history of voting rights.
A great starting point for helping them understand the election process is to incorporate your favorite election day activities. I hope this list of election day activities for elementary students has inspired you!