130 Gratitude Activities & Ideas for the Whole Family

Are you looking for some fun gratitude activities for your family? Our huge list of 130 activities will give you plenty of ideas! Included are gratitude activities, gratitude journaling prompts, random acts of kindness ideas, and gratitude and thankfulness copywork selections.

gratitude activities

Gratitude Activities

It’s important to teach kids of all ages how to be grateful and express gratitude. You can have a great time working together as a family and incorporating various thankful activities into your day.

Whether it’s a gratitude challenge or participation in 30 days of gratefulness during the month of November to celebrate Thanksgiving, the best part is you are doing it together!

Do you want to teach your young children (or entire family) different ways to express gratitude? A great way to develop an attitude of gratitude is to incorporate various gratitude exercises into your day (not just the month of November!).

List of Gratitude Activities

We’ve come up with a list of gratitude activities that you can put into practice with younger students and older children alike. We’ve even broken it up into 30 days of gratitude activities so you can keep it super simple.

Gratitude Tree

Draw a bare tree on a piece of paper. This is your thankful tree. Draw and cut out leaves to paste onto your tree. Each day, have kids write on the leaves things they are thankful for and add them to your gratitude tree.

Gratitude Letter

Create a list of character qualities you are thankful for in another person and share it with them. You can write it in a letter or read it to them in person. You could also write sticky notes and leave them for others to find.

Family Movie Night

Host a family movie night featuring movies that emphasize themes of gratitude and discuss them afterwards.

Play Gratitude Games

Play the “I’m Thankful For . . .” game during car rides or family gatherings. Have everyone take a turn saying something they are thankful for. During a car ride, see if you can keep it going until you reach your destination. This is a great activity for car rides!

Toy Collection

Collect items (toys, books, etc.) that are no longer used and donate them or give them to children who may not have as much.

Random Acts of Kindness

Practice random acts of kindness by doing something nice for someone without expecting anything in return. We’ve also included a list of 30 random acts of kindness ideas below.

Grateful Table Talk

Start mealtime conversations by sharing one thing each person is grateful for that day or sharing other positive things in their lives. Go around the table and give each family member a turn.

Gratitude Game Night

Host a game night with friends or family and be sure to express your gratitude for each of them through fun activities.

Gratitude Notes

Create thank-you cards and send them to friends, family members, co-op or Sunday School teachers, or other people in your life.

Gratitude Charades

Play gratitude charades where kids act out something they’re thankful for while others guess what it is.

Write a Gratitude List

Look outside your window and think of five things you can see that you are thankful for.

Acts of Service

Plan surprise acts of service. Secretly do chores, tasks, or acts of kindness without being asked and without drawing attention to yourself. This is especially a great idea for older kids.

Share Stories of Gratefulness

One of my favorite gratitude activities is to share stories about acts of kindness or generosity that inspire feelings of gratitude and leave a lasting positive impact.

Gratitude Jar

Create a gratitude jar where kids can write down things they’re thankful for each day and read them aloud at dinner time.

Grateful Collage

Make a gratitude collage using pictures from magazines that represent things your child is grateful for.

Gratitude Circle

Start each morning with a family circle where everyone shares one thing they are grateful for before starting their day. Encouraging creative family fun like this is a fun way to teach children to have a grateful heart.

Thankful Days

Do some research together as a family and see if you can find holidays or special days people in countries other than your own have set aside as a day of thanks.

Gratitude Journal

Encourage kids to practice gratitude journaling. Have kids write down three things they are grateful for each day or use the different prompts provided below.

Nature Walk

Go on a gratitude walk in nature and encourage children to express gratefulnes for the beauty of their surroundings. They can write about it in their nature journal.

Appreciation Challenge

Set up a weekly challenge where every member of the family has to do one act of kindness or show appreciation toward someone else. This is a fun way to encourage acts of service.

Participate in a Donation Drive

Teach kids about giving back by organizing a donation drive for clothes, toys, or food items for those less fortunate.

Letters of Appreciation

Write letters of appreciation to community helpers such as firefighters, police officers, or healthcare workers.

Reflecting on Experience

Have children write down something they struggled with last year. Then have them write down how much better they are doing this year. You may need to help them realize and appreciate how far they have come.

Expressing Gratitude

Encourage kids to give compliments and express gratitude to someone special in their lives.

Gratitude Rock

Create some gratitude stones that kids can keep in their pocket. They can paint or decorate it if desired. Each time they feel it in their pocket, it can remind them to be thankful.

Nature Art Project

Have children create an art project using materials found in nature and encourage them to reflect on and be thankful for the beauty around them.

Thank You Notes

Write thank-you notes to family members who have done something special for you recently.

Whole Family Volunteer Opportunties

Volunteer together as a family at a local charity or organization to help those in need.

Gratitude Night

Designate one evening per week as Gratitude Night and have everyone take turns expressing thanks.

Gratitude Scavenger Hunt

Create a gratitude scavenger hunt where children find items around the house that they are grateful for.

Random Acts of Kindness

Teach your children to live in the present moment with gratefulness through simple things they can do for others. Nothing helps build a sense of gratitude and encourage positive emotions like serving others.

  • Pick up litter at a park or beach and properly dispose of it.
  • Leave positive notes around the house where family members will see them.
  • Organize a toy or book drive and donate the collected items.
  • Offer to baby-sit free for someone so parents can have some time off.
  • Help at a local pet shelter. You can also collect donations from others and take them to the shelter.
  • Thank a cashier, waiter, waitress, or someone else who helps you today.
  • Share a special favorite food or snack with someone you know loves it, too.
  • Give compliments freely—tell others what you appreciate about them!
  • Put together hygiene kits with items such as toothbrushes, toothpaste, soap, etc. for homeless shelters.
  • Visit a nursing home and spend time talking with residents.
  • Let someone go into the checkout line ahead of you at the grocery store.
  • Offer to help an adult with grocery shopping or carrying bags.
  • Help a younger sibling or friend with their homework.
  • Bake cookies and share them with friends, family, or neighbors.
  • Create artwork such as drawings or paintings that can cheer people at local hospitals or clinics.
  • Offer help to someone doing a big chore or task.
  • Hold the door open for someone.
  • Send surprise mail or email, such as a letter or drawing, to family members who live far away.
  • Clean up your mess without being asked, especially in shared spaces.
  • Volunteer at a local charity organization.
  • Water plants for neighbors when they’re away.
  • Make and deliver care packages to elderly neighbors.
  • Offer to help an elderly neighbor with household chores or errands.
  • Create homemade cards for hospitalized children, veterans, or those in need of encouragement.
  • Plant flowers or trees in your neighborhood to beautify the area.
  • Donate gently used toys or clothes to children in need.
  • Help set the table before a meal without being asked.
  • Write letters thanking essential workers such as doctors, nurses, firefighters, etc.
  • Write a thank-you note to someone who has helped you.

Gratitude Journal Writing Prompts

You can use these gratitude prompts as daily journal entries or creative writing assignments.

  • What is something you are grateful for in nature?
  • Who is someone you appreciate and why?
  • Name a book, story, or movie that makes you feel thankful.
  • Write about a place or trip that made you realize how much you have to be thankful for.
  • Think of a favorite toy or possession and explain why it brings gratitude.
  • Describe an act of kindness from someone that made your day better.
  • Reflect on a delicious meal or treat that fills you with gratitude.
  • Write about an experience where teamwork helped achieve success. Write a note thanking the people who helped for their hard work.
  • Remember a time when someone gave you encouragement and share how grateful it made you feel.
  • Beauty is all around us, even though we often need to stop and pay attention to see it. Look around you and find something beautiful. Write about why you are thankful for the beauty you see.
  • Challenges or setbacks can be chances to grow, and growing is something to be thankful for. Think about something hard that you faced. Write about what you learned from it and how you are thankful for the good things that came out of it.
  • Each one of us has strengths or talents that make us happy and can bless others when we use them. Write about why you are thankful you have these strengths or talents.
  • Write a thank you note, poem, or something else to share your appreciation for someone who helps keep your community safe (e.g., police officer, firefighter).
  • Laughing makes us feel happy. Think of a time someone made you feel happy by making you laugh, and write about it, remembering to be thankful for that person.
  • What is something new that happened recently that made you feel thankful?
  • Think about something fun and exciting coming up in the future. Write about what makes this event special and why you are thankful to have it to look forward to.
  • Write down three things happening right now that make you feel thankful.
  • Think of a time where someone helped another person who needed help (it could be any kind of help). Write about how what they did inspired someone to be grateful.
  • Write about specific reasons you are thankful to have family members who love you.
  • Express gratitude for your favorite activity or hobby and explain why it makes you feel the way you do.
  • List five things you can reach out and touch right now that you are thankful for
  • Recall a time when someone forgave you for making a mistake. Write and express gratitude for their understanding and forgiveness.
  • During challenging times like homework struggles or tough school days, it’s important to have someone who helps and supports you. Write about why you are thankful for that person and why they are so important in your life.
  • Think back to a time when you received unexpected help or support from someone, and write about how grateful it made you feel.
  • Reflect on something that brings peace into your life (e.g., a favorite quiet spot). Write and explain why you are thankful for this calmness in your life.
  • Express gratitude for the opportunity to learn new things every day.
  • Think about someone who taught you something valuable recently. Explain what lessons you learned and why you are thankful for the person’s guidance.
  • Write down three ways you are working to take care of your health (such as eating healthy meals). Write about how thankful you are that you can take these steps (for example, not everyone who wants to eat healthy meals can).
  • Describe an accomplishment that makes you proud. Write and express gratitude for those who supported and believed in you along the way.
  • Write about the beauty found in different seasons and how you are thankful for the unique experiences that are part of each one.

Gratitude and Thankfulness Copywork  

  • I will give thanks to the Lord for His unfailing love and faithfulness.
  • The Lord is my strength and shield; I am grateful for His protection.
  • In all circumstances, I will rejoice and be thankful, for this is God’s will for me.
  • My heart overflows with gratitude as I consider all the wonderful works of God.
  • Let everything within me praise the Lord; I am thankful for His goodness and mercy.
  • With a joyful heart, I will offer thanksgiving to God continually.
  • Gratefulness fills my soul as I remember that every good gift comes from above.
  • Even in times of trials, I choose to be thankful because God is faithful through it all.
  • Giving thanks to God opens doors for His blessings in my life.
  • Each day, I count my blessings and express heartfelt gratitude to the Lord.
  • I am grateful that Jesus Christ sacrificed Himself so that we may have eternal life.
  • The peace of Christ dwells in me, filling my heart with gratitude.
  • God’s grace abounds in my life; therefore, thankfulness flows from within me.
  • Even when faced with challenges or setbacks, I find reasons to give thanks because God is always present.
  • My lips overflow with praises as a testament to how blessed I am by God’s unfathomable love for us all
  • I am grateful for God’s forgiveness, which restores me to a place of wholeness.
  • In all things, I give thanks to God because He works everything together for my good.
  • The Lord’s love endures forever; therefore, I will continuously offer Him gratitude.
  • My heart overflows with thanksgiving as I meditate on God’s Word and His promises.
  • Thankfulness transforms my perspective, allowing me to see beauty even in the midst of challenges.
  • I choose gratitude over complaining because it aligns my heart with God’s purposes and plans.
  • With a thankful attitude, I can find contentment in every season of life.
  • God deserves our gratitude because He has redeemed us from sin through Jesus Christ’s sacrifice on the cross.
  • Praising God for His goodness brings honor and glory to His name.
  • Gratitude is contagious; when I model thankfulness, it encourages those around me to develop a similar attitude towards life.
  • Giving thanks creates an atmosphere of praise and worship within my heart, drawing me closer to God’s presence.
  • Acknowledging God’s faithfulness in the past gives me hope for the future.
  • Thankfulness helps me cultivate a positive mindset and overcome negative thoughts or attitudes.
  • I am grateful for the opportunity to come before God in prayer, knowing that He hears and answers my requests according to His perfect will.
  • I acknowledge that every good gift comes from above, including the people God places in our lives.

30 Days of Gratitude

We’ve taken some of the gratitude activities in our list and spread them out over 30 days, including a journal writing prompt, activity, and random act of kindness. This is an easy way to teach your children how to be grateful for all the things life throws their way.

Day 1

Gratitude Journal Writing Prompt

What is something you are grateful for in nature?

Gratitude Activity

Draw a bare tree on a piece of paper. This is your gratitude tree. Draw and cut out leaves to paste onto your tree. Each day, have kids write on the leaves things they are thankful for and add them to your gratitude tree.

Random Act of Kindness

Pick up litter at a park or beach and properly dispose of it.

Day 2

Gratitude Journal Writing Prompt

Who is someone you appreciate and why?

Gratitude Activity

Create a list of character qualities you are thankful for in another person and share it with them.

Random Act of Kindness

Leave positive notes around the house where loved ones will see them.

Day 3

Gratitude Journal Writing Prompt

Name a book, story, or movie that makes you feel thankful.

Gratitude Activity

Host a family movie night featuring movies that emphasize themes of gratitude and discuss them afterwards.

Random Act of Kindness

Organize a toy or book drive and donate the collected items.

Day 4

Gratitude Journal Writing Prompt

Write about a place or trip that made you realize how much you have to be thankful for.

Gratitude Activity

Play the “I’m Thankful For . . .” game during car rides or family gatherings. Have everyone take a turn saying something they are thankful for. During a car ride, see if you can keep it going until you reach your destination.

Random Act of Kindness

Offer to babysit free for someone so parents can have some time off.

Day 5

Gratitude Journal Writing Prompt

Think of a favorite toy or possession and explain why it brings gratitude.

Gratitude Activity

Collect items (toys, books, etc.) that are no longer used and donate them or give them to children who may not have as much.

Random Act of Kindness

Help at a local pet shelter.

Day 6

Gratitude Journal Writing Prompt

Describe an act of kindness from someone that made your day better.

Gratitude Activity

Practice random acts of kindness by doing something nice for someone without expecting anything in return.

Random Act of Kindness

Thank a cashier, waiter, waitress, or someone else who helps you today.

Day 7

Gratitude Journal Writing Prompt

Reflect on a delicious meal or treat that fills you with gratitude.

Gratitude Activity

Start mealtime conversations by sharing one thing each person is grateful for that day.

Random Act of Kindness

Share a special favorite food or snack with someone you know loves it, too.

Day 8

Gratitude Journal Writing Prompt

Write about an experience where teamwork helped achieve success. Write a note thanking the people who helped for their hard work.

Gratitude Activity

Host a game night with friends or family and be sure to express your gratitude for each of them.

Random Act of Kindness

Give compliments freely—tell others what you appreciate about them!

Day 9

Gratitude Journal Writing Prompt

Remember a time when someone gave you encouragement and share how grateful it made you feel.

Gratitude Activity

Create thank-you cards and send them to friends, family members, co-op or Sunday School teachers, or other people in your life.

Random Act of Kindness

Put together hygiene kits with items such as toothbrushes, toothpaste, soap, etc. for homeless shelters.

Day 10

Gratitude Journal Writing Prompt

Beauty is all around us, even though we often need to stop and pay attention to see it. Look around you and find something beautiful. Write about why you are thankful for the beauty you see.

Gratitude Activity

Play gratitude charades where kids act out something they’re thankful for while others guess what it is.

Random Act of Kindness

Visit a nursing home and spend time talking with residents.

Day 11

Gratitude Journal Writing Prompt

Challenges or setbacks can be chances to grow, and growing is something to be thankful for. Think about something hard that you faced. Write about what you learned from it and how you are thankful for the good things that came out of it.

Gratitude Activity

Look outside your window and think of five things you can see that you are thankful for.

Random Act of Kindness

Let someone go into the checkout line ahead of you at the grocery store.

Day 12

Gratitude Journal Writing Prompt

Each one of us has strengths or talents that make us happy and can bless others when we use them. Write about why you are thankful you have these strengths or talents.

Gratitude Activity

Plan surprise acts of service. Secretly do chores, tasks, or acts of kindness without being asked and without drawing attention to yourself.

Random Act of Kindness

Offer to help an adult with grocery shopping or carrying bags.

Day 13

Gratitude Journal Writing Prompt

Write a thank you note, poem, or something else to share your appreciation for someone who helps keep your community safe (e.g., police officer, firefighter).

Gratitude Activity

Share stories about acts of kindness or generosity that inspire feelings of gratitude.

Random Act of Kindness

Help a younger sibling or friend with their homework.

Day 14

Gratitude Journal Writing Prompt

Laughing makes us feel happy. Think of a time someone made you feel happy by making you laugh, and write about it, remembering to be thankful for that person.

Gratitude Activity

Create a gratitude jar where kids can write down things they’re thankful for each day and read them aloud at dinner time.

Random Act of Kindness

Bake cookies and share them with friends, family, or neighbors.

Day 15

Gratitude Journal Writing Prompt

What is something new that happened recently that made you feel thankful?

Gratitude Activity

Make a collage using pictures from magazines that represent things your child is grateful for.

Random Act of Kindness

Create artwork such as drawings or paintings that can cheer people at local hospitals or clinics.

Day 16

Gratitude Journal Writing Prompt

Think about something fun and exciting coming up in the future. Write about what makes this event special and why you are thankful to have it to look forward to.

Gratitude Activity

Start each morning with a family circle where everyone shares one thing they are grateful for before starting their day.

Random Act of Kindness

Offer help to someone doing a big chore or task.

Day 17

Gratitude Journal Writing Prompt

Write down three things happening right now that make you feel thankful.

Gratitude Activity

Do some research together as a family and see if you can find holidays or special days people in countries other than your own have set aside as a day of thanks.

Random Act of Kindness

Hold the door open for someone.

Day 18

Gratitude Journal Writing Prompt

Think of a time where someone helped another person who needed help (it could be any kind of help). Write about how what they did inspired someone to be grateful.

Gratitude Activity

Keep a gratitude journal and have kids write down three things they are grateful for each day.

Random Act of Kindness

Send surprise mail or email, such as a letter or drawing, to family members who live far away.

Day 19

Gratitude Journal Writing Prompt

Write about specific reasons you are thankful to have family members who love you.

Gratitude Activity

Go on a nature walk and encourage children to express gratitude for the beauty of their surroundings.

Random Act of Kindness

Clean up your mess without being asked, especially in shared spaces.

Day 20

Gratitude Journal Writing Prompt

Express gratitude for your favorite activity or hobby and explain why it makes you feel the way you do.

Gratitude Activity

Set up a weekly challenge where every member of the family has to do one act of kindness or show appreciation toward someone else.

Random Act of Kindness

Volunteer at a local charity organization.

Day 21

Gratitude Journal Writing Prompt

List five things you can reach out and touch right now that you are thankful for

Gratitude Activity

Teach kids about giving back by organizing a donation drive for clothes, toys, or food items for those less fortunate.

Random Act of Kindness

Water plants for neighbors when they’re away.

Day 22

Gratitude Journal Writing Prompt

Recall a time when someone forgave you for making a mistake. Write and express gratitude for their understanding and forgiveness.

Gratitude Activity

Write letters of appreciation to community helpers such as firefighters, police officers, or healthcare workers.

Random Act of Kindness

Make and deliver care packages to elderly neighbors.

Day 23

Gratitude Journal Writing Prompt

During challenging times like homework struggles or tough school days, it’s important to have someone who helps and supports you. Write about why you are thankful for that person and why they are so important in your life.

Gratitude Activity

Have children write down something they struggled with last year. Then have them write down how much better they are doing this year. You may need to help them realize and appreciate how far they have come.

Random Act of Kindness

Offer to help an elderly neighbor with household chores or errands.

Day 24

Gratitude Journal Writing Prompt

Think back to a time when you received unexpected help or support from someone, and write about how grateful it made you feel.

Gratitude Activity

Encourage kids to give compliments and express gratitude to someone special in their lives.

Random Act of Kindness

Create homemade cards for hospitalized children, veterans, or those in need of encouragement.

Day 25

Gratitude Journal Writing Prompt

Reflect on something that brings peace into your life (e.g., a favorite quiet spot). Write and explain why you are thankful for this calmness in your life.

Gratitude Activity

Encourage kids to keep a daily gratitude rock in their pocket. They can paint or decorate it if desired. Each time they feel it in their pocket, it can remind them to be thankful.

Random Act of Kindness

Plant flowers or trees in your neighborhood to beautify the area.

Day 26

Gratitude Journal Writing Prompt

Express gratitude for the opportunity to learn new things every day.

Gratitude Activity

Have children create an art project using materials found in nature and encourage them to reflect on and be thankful for the beauty around them.

Random Act of Kindness

Donate gently used toys or clothes to children in need.

Day 27

Gratitude Journal Writing Prompt

Think about someone who taught you something valuable recently. Explain what lessons you learned and why you are thankful for the person’s guidance.

Gratitude Activity

Write thank-you notes to family members who have done something special for you recently.

Random Act of Kindness

Help set the table before a meal without being asked.

Day 28

Gratitude Journal Writing Prompt

Write down three ways you are working to take care of your health (such as eating healthy meals).  Write about how thankful you are that you can take these steps (for example, not everyone who wants to eat healthy meals can).

Gratitude Activity

Volunteer together as a family at a local charity or organization to help those in need.

Random Act of Kindness

Write letters thanking essential workers such as doctors, nurses, firefighters, etc.

Day 29

Gratitude Journal Writing Prompt

Describe an accomplishment that makes you proud. Write and express gratitude for those who supported and believed in you along the way.

Gratitude Activity

Designate one evening per week as Gratitude Night and have everyone take turns expressing thanks.

Random Act of Kindness

Write a thank-you note to someone who has helped you.

Day 30

Gratitude Journal Writing Prompt

Write about the beauty found in different seasons and how you are thankful for the unique experiences that are part of each one.

Gratitude Activity

Create a gratitude scavenger hunt where children find items around the house that they are grateful for.

Random Act of Kindness

Make bird feeders out of pinecones filled with peanut butter and seeds.