Philippians in 28 Weeks (ESV or KJV)


In Philippians in 28 Weeks, students will use a proven five-step approach to memorize the entire book of Philippians through daily reading, writing, recitation, and reflection.

163 pages | All Ages | Available in ESV or KJV | This is a digital resource. Printed copies available at Homeschool Adventure.

*Digital Product - purchase one per household only.

Philippians in 28 Weeks (ESV or KJV)

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This complete memory system combines copywork, journaling, and accountability tools to make Scripture memorization achievable and meaningful!

With this resource, students will memorize the book of Philippians using a natural learning rhythm that includes daily Bible reading, memory cards, written practice, and thoughtful reflection questions.

The process is broken down into manageable weekly goals, with clear tracking tools to measure progress and celebrate success.

Philippians in 28 Weeks is designed for:

  • Students who want to develop strong memory skills they can use throughout their lives
  • Families who want to go beyond surface-level memorization to true understanding
  • Parents looking for a Bible supplement that includes handwriting practice and critical thinking

Many families want to help their children hide God’s Word in their hearts, but feel overwhelmed by where to start. Philippians in 28 Weeks breaks this worthy goal into achievable steps, making Scripture memorization possible for any family. The included journal questions and reflection pages help students connect deeply with the text as they memorize it.

Includes weekly progress logs, colorful memory cards, and recitation charts!

This resource is suitable for all ages.