Sprout-to-Supper Planner
Students and parents alike can explore each step of growing and managing a productive garden while learning how to plan, grow, harvest, preserve, and store their own food. This planner simplifies the process with practical tools and structured guidance to help families succeed in building self-sufficiency skills.
The Sprout to Supper Planner integrates seamlessly into home education as a hands-on science, home economics, and life skills resource.
If you want to help your student develop valuable gardening and home management skills while encouraging responsibility, organization, and resourcefulness, this planner is for you!
Here are the different types of planning pages, chart, and trackers included:
- Winter, Spring, Summer, and Fall Seasonal Planning Pages (Map out what to plan, can, dehydrate, and do for each season.)
- Fresh-To-Canned Yields Chart (Determine how many pounds you need to meet your canning goals.)
- Vegetable Garden Yields Chart (Identify how much you need to grow of each crop to produce that many pounds of food.)
- Seed to Supper At-a-Glance Trackers (Visualize how each crop turns into a meal.)
- Food for a Year At-a-Glance (Track how much food you need for a year’s supply for your family.)
- Inventory Planner (Identify bulk ingredients needed for your favorite recipes & track where to buy them for the best price.)
- Breakfast
- Lunch
- Supper
- Snacks
- Desserts
- Your Growing Season & Frost Date (Store these in your planner for easy reference.)
- Cool vs. Warm Crops (Decrease your learning curve with this cheatsheet for common crops.)
- Garden Dates (Track important dates with a Monthly overview.)
- Companion Planting (Avoid common planting mistakes & map out a successful garden.)
- Garden Layout (Sketch your garden footprint.)
- What to Plant for a Year (Multiply numbers provided by each member of your family to calculate your targets.)
- When to Plant (Discover the ideal time to plant each crop.)
- Pest-Control Solutions (Get simple solutions to the most annoying pests.)
- Growing Plan (Plan for success by tracking your growing method, seed-start date, and transplant date for each crop.)
- Growing Calendar (Never miss an important date.)
- Garden Expense Tracker (Because gardening can be frugal—but not free.)
- Amendments & Fertilizers (Take the guesswork out of amending your soil with this pre-filled chart.)
- Winter Sowing (Sow seeds the frugal way in milk jugs—aka miniature greenhouses.)
- Harvest Log (Track what you harvest—because you won’t remember a year from now.)
- Favorite Varieties (Repeat the winners, and ditch the losers for a better garden year after year.)
- Year-in-Review Journal (Note what worked, what didn’t, and what you want to do differently in the future.)
- Canning Plan (Organized by common categories.)
- Canning Crops & Uses (Plan how you’ll turn each crop into a canned preserve.)
- Canning Log (Track your item, date, size, and quantity.)
- Canning Yields Tracker (Record how volume of food converts into preserved yields. This is how you perfect your plan year after year.)
- Dehydrated Items & Uses (Plan how you’ll turn each crop into a dehydrated preserve.)
- Dehydrating Log (Track your item, date, size, and quantity.)
- Favorite Meals (Organized by theme days.)
- Meal in a Jar Favorites (Stock your shelves with quick meals for busy weekends.)
- Meal Prep Day Master List (Track what items to prep for a smooth, successful month of homemade meals.)
- Monthly Grocery Recurring Items (Save time by identifying items (& quantities) you need every month—no more repeated writing.)
- Restock List (Follow the principle of Take One, Replace One so you never deplete your stores.)
- Ultimate Family Favorites (Cut down on meal planning by repeating your family’s favorites once monthly.)
- Side Dish Master List (Refine your meal plan by establishing “forever” side dishes to rotate through on a weekly basis.)
While this resource can be used with any age group, it is best suited to grades 6-12.