Walking with the Waodani Study


In Walking with the Waodani, students journey alongside a homeschool graduate to discover Ecuador’s people, places, and culture. This unit study pairs with real missionary stories to create an unforgettable learning experience about how faith can transform lives.

95 pages | Grades 4-12 | This is a digital resource. Printed copies available at Homeschool Adventure.

*Digital Product - purchase one per household only.

Walking with the Waodani Study

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Travel through Ecuador to learn about traditional markets, native wildlife, local customs, and the incredible story of five missionaries who changed history.

The Waodani people’s journey from violence to peace brings geography, culture, and missions to life while highlighting the importance of sharing the Gospel with a lost and dying world. 

Walking with the Waodani is designed for:

  • Young explorers eager to discover new cultures
  • Students who find traditional geography lessons dry, offering them real stories of real people
  • Families who want to combine cultural studies with missions education
  • Parents seeking a complete unit study that naturally blends subjects like creative writing, history, and worldview

If you want to teach your children about different cultures with a focus on global missions, this unit study is for you. Students will discover not just facts about Ecuador, but the deeper story of how lives can change through faith.

This resource is best suited to grades 4-12.