Agricultural Science (Gentle + Classical Creation)
If you desire for your 3rd-6th grade child to enjoy a year of living, hands-on, knowledge-rich science education that includes extensive explorations into traditional agricultural practices and food preparation alongside an understanding of the roles of differently-sized farming operations, then this is the program for you!
The 18 units (36 weeks) of this science program cover topics like food systems, orchards, preservation, poultry, animals as producers, animals as a crop, soil health, planting, grains, ruminants, and so much more!
This digital bundle includes:
- Gentle + Classical Creation: Agricultural Science Teacher’s Guide
- The Student Text & Journal (178 pages) provides a “Living Story” that your kids will beg to listen to! This story teaches them all of the material for the year in such an engaging way that they won’t even realize how much they’re learning! This unique tool also includes worksheets, informational pages that give detailed explanations of important concepts, vocabulary worksheets, and a page to illustrate and narrate each unit’s concepts for important review!
- 36 Week Planning Grids
- Memory Statement Cards for all 3 Levels
- Spanish Flashcards & French Flashcards
- Copywork for 3 Levels of Memory Statements expand this science curriculum to include handwriting as well.
- Nature Collection Notebook
- Header Cards
- “How to Print” Guide – a single, at-glance-sheet for preparing your files for the year
- Audiobook MP3 Files provide a read-aloud of the “Farm Story” included in The Student Text and Journal.
(Note: The Teacher’s Guide provides book selections for younger and older siblings as well. The Student Text & Journal is also appropriate for 7th-8th graders, however the vocabulary may be too advanced for students under 3rd grade. To integrate younger students, utilize the “Little Sibling Book” recommendations and include siblings in any explorations and hands-on activities.)
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