World of Eggs – A Notebook Companion™ for An Egg Is Quiet

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When you think of eggs, you probably think of birds first, but there are many other kinds of animals that hatch from eggs. Your kids can learn about dozens of birds as well as fish, reptiles, and insects that hatch from eggs with World of Eggs.

World of Eggs is a Notebook Companion™ to An Egg Is Quiet by Dianna Hutts Aston, sold separately.

For grades K-3 | Primary dashed lines for beginning writers | 56 black & white pages | This is a digital only resource.

Save more than $10 when you buy the bundled set!

*Digital Product - purchase one per household only.

World of Eggs - A Notebook Companion™ for An Egg Is Quiet


Eggs might start out quiet, but they don’t stay that way! Help kids learn about dozens of animals that hatch from eggs with this no-prep Notebook Companion™. Just grab a copy of An Egg is Quiet (sold separately) and the World of Eggs and work at the pace that is right for you.

An Egg is Quiet is a beautiful book full of life-like illustrations of dozens of eggs and animals. Your students will have fun drawing, sketching, and labeling illustrations of the animals they learn about. There are eggs, adults, and even a few hatchlings to draw! They’ll also learn about the life cycle of a chicken, salmon, and grasshopper as well as the different shapes eggs come in, the many sizes and colors of eggs, and much more.

What’s Included

Students will practice written narration as they answer our open-ended questions about what they are learning. They will use the book to draw and color all sorts of eggs and animals. Students will learn about how eggs come in different colors and sizes and so much more. Bonus coloring pages are also included!

Students will learn about and draw eggs and animals such as the:

  • American Robin
  • Anna’s Hummingbird
  • Arctic Tern
  • Atlantic Salmon
  • Black Vulture
  • Black-Capped Mockingthrush
  • Black-Naped Oriole
  • Black-Necked Stilt
  • Blue Crab
  • Blue Jay
  • Boat-Tailed Grackle
  • Booted Warbler
  • Brewer’s Sparrow
  • Bronze-Winged Jacana
  • Bushy-Crested Jay
  • Cactus Wren
  • California Thrasher
  • Chipping Sparrow
  • Chukar
  • Common Murre
  • Dogfish
  • Elegant Tinamou
  • Emperor Penguin
  • Evening Grosbeak
  • Field Cricket
  • Glossy Ibis
  • Golden-Crowned Kinglet
  • Gray Catbird
  • Green Iguana
  • Green Lacewing
  • Green Vegetable Bug
  • Hawfinch
  • Hepatic Tanager
  • Herring Gull
  • Katydid
  • Kirtland’s Warbler
  • Ladybird Beetle
  • Leopard Frog
  • Little Blue Heron
  • Lobster
  • Long-Tailed Tailorbird
  • Northern Shrike
  • Paradise Crow
  • Paradise Riflebird
  • Passion Vine Butterfly
  • Prothonotary Warbler
  • Red-Winged Blackbird
  • Scarlet Tanager
  • Snow Bunting
  • Sooty Tern
  • Steller’s Jay
  • Streaked Bittern
  • Thick-Billed Warbler
  • Townsend’s Solitaire
  • Turkey
  • Yellow-Billed Cuckoo
  • Yellowhammer
  • and more!

An Egg Is Quiet by Dianna Hutts Aston

We truly love the way the beauty of nature is displayed throughout the award-winning series Family Treasure Nature Encyclopedias. Written by Dianna Hutts Aston and illustrated by Sylvia Long, your children in grades K-3 will surely delight in this gentle introduction to nature study. Students will learn about dozens of eggs and the animals that lay them.

An Egg Is Quiet by Dianna Hutts Aston
An Egg Is Quiet, ©2006 Dianna Hutts Aston, illustrations by Sylvia Long

Used with permission of Chronicle Books LLC, San Francisco. Visit

An Egg Is Quiet is a required book for our Notebook Companion™ and is sold separately. An Egg Is Quiet is available at the publisher’s website or anywhere books are sold.

Beginner’s Notebook Companion™

This beginner’s notebook is a great way to introduce kids to the idea and practice of notebooking, and you can customize it as much as you wish. It’s completely flexible, allowing for use with very young children through middle elementary grades.

Other Notebook Companions™ in this Series

1 review for World of Eggs – A Notebook Companion™ for An Egg Is Quiet

  1. Rated 5 out of 5

    Alana Jose

    This is our 3rd year of homeschooling and our 1st time doing Notebooking overall, using a Notebook Companion. I had just purchased An Egg Is Quiet around the same time I purchased Daily Skillbuilding’s Tame Your Tongue Bundle. As I was curious to see their other “open and go” options, I saw An Egg Is Quiet Notebook Companion. I thought it would be a useful “companion” to dive deep into an artist picture book, which we would otherwise just read through with an oral picture study. It was refreshing to see another format of an open and go lesson besides worksheets. To give a brief description of the Companion, there are a total of 57 pages, of which the first 10 pages are a basic introduction. Pages 11-51 are a combination of questions to be answered and prompts to draw and/ or label pictures from the book, of which 10 of those pages can be considered “writing”. Pages 52-57 are coloring pages. To conclude, we will definitely continue with notebooking. For our family, it encourages open minded learning, and, in our opinion, beats 180 day lesson workbooks. Thank you Daily Skillbuilding!

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