Learning About Flowers – A Gail Gibbons Notebook Companion™


Flowers are everywhere! You can help your kids learn about some of the many different types of flowers, how and where they grow, and much more with Learning About Flowers, a Notebook Companion™ to Flowers by Gail Gibbons, sold separately.

For grades K-3 | Primary dashed lines for beginning writers | 65 black & white pages | This is a digital only resource.

*Digital Product - purchase one per household only.

Learning About Flowers - A Gail Gibbons Notebook Companion™


Explore the flowers that fill our fields and make their homes on our sidewalks with Learning About Flowers. Kids can learn about flowers that grow in temperate and tropical climates, flowers that grow in different ways (such as from seeds, bulbs, etc.), some of the habitats flowers grow in, annuals and perennials, the parts of a flower, how pollination works, how seeds grow and travel, how to grow a flower garden, and more!

You don’t have to do any prep work. Just grab a copy of Flowers (sold separately) and Learning About Flowers and explore them together at the speed that works for you.

Students can sharpen their written narration skills as they answer open-ended questions about what they are learning. They’ll also get to draw, sketch, and label various illustrations of different types of flowers, the parts of a flower, and more. Bonus coloring pages are also included!

Students will learn about flowers and topics such as:

  • climates flowers grow in
  • temperate climates
  • tropical climates
  • flowers from seeds
  • flowers from bulbs
  • flowers from vines
  • flowers on bushes
  • flowers on trees
  • wildflowers in meadows
  • garden flowers that are planted
  • woodland flowers
  • rain forest flowers
  • desert flowers
  • wetlands and water flowers
  • what a flower needs to grow
  • different ways flowers grow
  • annual flowers
  • perennial flowers
  • parts of a flower bulb
  • parts of a flower
  • pollination
  • how pollination happens
  • common pollinators
  • how a seed begins
  • how a seed grows
  • fruits and vegetables
  • how seeds travel
  • how to grow a flower garden
  • garden tools
  • birthday flowers (flowers for each month)
  • carnivorous flowers
  • fun facts about flowers

Flowers by Gail Gibbons

Our publisher-approved Notebook Companion™ accompanies Flowers by Gail Gibbons.

Flowers are so commonplace that they are easy to overlook, but don’t let your kids miss out on discovering the amazing wonder of flowers! With Flowers by Gail Gibbons, your kids can learn all about how different types of flowers grow, such as from seeds or bulbs or on vines, bushes, or trees. They can discover some of the many habitats flowers grow in, from gardens and meadows to deserts, wetlands, rain forests, and woodlands.

They’ll discover what a flower needs to grow, the difference between an annual and a perennial, and the parts of a flower bulb. They’ll also explore the parts of a flower, how pollination happens, how a seed forms, and how seeds travel. Kids can also learn how they can grow their own flower garden. They’ll even learn how each month of the year has a special birthday flower, how some flowers eat meat, and fun facts about flowers.

Flowers by Gail Gibbons

Flowers is a required book for our Notebook Companion™ and is sold separately. Flowers by Gail Gibbons is available at the publisher’s website or anywhere books are sold.

Beginner’s Notebook Companion™

This beginner’s notebook is a great way to introduce kids to the idea and practice of notebooking, and you can customize it as much as you wish. It’s completely flexible, allowing for use with very young children through middle elementary grades.

Other Notebook Companions™ in the Gail Gibbons Series


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