Learning About Coral Reefs – A Gail Gibbons Notebook Companion™

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(3 customer reviews)


Do your kids know about the fascinating world of creatures that live in the coral reefs of the world? Give them an opportunity to discover the animals, both large and small, that depend on coral reefs for food and shelter with Learning About Coral Reefs, a Notebook Companion™ to Coral Reefs by Gail Gibbons, sold separately.

For grades K-3 | Primary dashed lines for beginning writers | 78 black & white pages | This is a digital only resource.

*Digital Product - purchase one per household only.

Learning About Coral Reefs - A Gail Gibbons Notebook Companion™


Most of us don’t have the chance to explore coral reefs for ourselves, but with the incredible illustrations in books like Coral Reefs by Gail Gibbons, sold separately, we can feel like we are there!

The book and Notebook Companion™ explore the anatomy of coral, some of the many different kinds of coral reefs, how coral reefs grow, hard corals and soft corals, coral colonies, what happens in a coral reef during the day, what happens in a coral reef at night, different coral reef zones, animals that live in coral reefs, and more.

You don’t have to worry about prep-work. Just get a copy of Coral Reefs, sold separately, and Learning About Coral Reefs and work at the pace that fits your family.

Students will practice written narration as they answer our open-ended questions about what they are learning. They’ll also get to draw, sketch, and label various illustrations of coral, coral reefs, animals that live in coral reefs, and more. Bonus coloring pages are also included!

Coral Reefs by Gail Gibbons

Our publisher-approved Notebook Companion™ accompanies Coral Reefs by Gail Gibbons.

Have you ever wondered what life is like in a coral reef? What do corals eat? Coral reefs are some of the most beautiful locations in the world, but why are corals more colorful at nighttime?

A coral reef is an active environment where about 20,000 kinds of brilliantly colored corals, plants, and animals—more sea creatures than are found anywhere else in the world—make their home. The Great Barrier Reef in Australia is so large that astronauts can see it from outer space!

Elementary-age children will enjoy Gibbons’ informative text and clear, detailed illustrations on this journey into the unique lives of coral reefs.

Coral Reefs is a required book for our Notebook Companion™ and is sold separately. Coral Reefs by Gail Gibbons is available at the publisher’s website or anywhere books are sold.

Other Notebook Companions™ in the Gail Gibbons Series

3 reviews for Learning About Coral Reefs – A Gail Gibbons Notebook Companion™

  1. Rated 5 out of 5

    Denise Rodriguez

    I decided to use the Gail Gibbons book Coral Reefs and this NoteBook Companion after we finished our Marine Biology study. I thought this would be great way to read the information a different way and review the information a second time. This ended up having much more information than our Marine Biology Study, I highly recommend adding this into your Curriculum. It is recommended for K-3 and I agree. I used it for both my Kindergartner and 3rd Grader and plan to revisit it again when my youngest is in 3rd grade. The Notebook Companion follows along nicely. The coloring pages in the back are wonderful and we ended up painting them.

  2. Rated 5 out of 5


    “Learning About Coral Reefs” is an ideal notebook companion to “Coral Reefs” by Gail Gibbons. Through open-ended questions and lots of drawing and labelling tasks, this notebook companion presents a creative way for young students to document their learning about this fascinating and colourful habitat. There is so much to learn (for both adult and child)! Topics covered include the different kinds of coral reefs, how they grow, coral colonies, coral reefs in the daytime and at night, life in a coral reef and the Great Barrier Reef. Vocabulary terms include ecosystem, atoll, lagoon, shoreline, coral rock, living rock, coral polyp, appendage, planula, etc. The notebook companion is open-and-go and contains advice on how to use it with children of different ages and abilities. A helpful note to parents also lists pages in the book you may want to skip. Additional/optional colouring pages are included in the back!

  3. Rated 5 out of 5

    Katherine Tanyu

    I love the Learning About Habitats set for their specialized approach. Just like “Learning About Deserts”, there are so many things to discover about coral reefs. It helps that the book is very pretty too! You can match this book and notebook bundle with the “Learning About the Sea”. In “Coral Reefs”, you and your child will see the more colorful fishes such as the clownfish and parrotfish. You will also research the Great Barrier Reef–which is an absolute beauty! Watch your child’s marine life and geography knowledge grow with this notebook!

    There are a lot of spaces for drawing and taking down notes. Even older kids will certainly appreciate this notebook!

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